Architype lecture at the University of West England
By Jonathan Hines
Yesterday I gave a lecture entitled ‘Towards a radically sustainable architecture’ to around 200 students at UWE in Bristol.
I charted the evolution of Architype’s work over the last 30 years, and illustrated how our passion for achieving sustainability through design, has always been at the heart of our approach.
I described how from our early pioneering self-build projects, to our cutting edge Passivhaus work, our aim has always been to design ‘life enhancing, genuinely sustainable, architecture’
I emphasised the key themes underpinning our work – simplicity and evidence – and described how, by focussing on designing buildings to be as elegantly simple as possible, and basing decision on the evidence of monitoring previous buildings, we aim to achieve buildings that work and perform as the should.
It was wonderful to see such a large turnout and so much interest from students from the course in architecture, architecture and planning, and architecture and environmental engineering.