
We are confident that our buildings perform, but we recognise that occupiers need support in getting the most from their buildings after handover. We can help you to use your building to its full potential and provide research to indicate how well the building is working.

Post Occupancy Evaluation
It’s important to know how well your building is performing in the years following completion. This is the time when teething issues can be rectified before causing long-term problems. We work closely with clients and building occupiers to understand how buildings are being used and how bespoke improvements can be made.
Post-occupancy evaluation can include the following and can be conducted over a 1, 2 or 3 year period.
> Energy monitoring
> Internal air quality monitoring
> Building user satisfaction reports
> Component testing
> Systems & controls assessment
Visit our project page on Wilkinson Primary School to understand how we undertook a 2 year POE programme
Soft Landings
Soft Landings is a set of procedures considered as early as possible in a project with the ultimate aim of providing a graduated handover and professional building after care.
Soft Landings not only describes a way of passing a building smoothly from the build phase to the occupation phase, but also a mechanism for ensuring that the operational needs of the building are fully considered and appreciated at the design stage.
Throughout a project, Architype facilitates a series of workshops, including meetings with the project board and a core stakeholder group to review the design, cost, programming and procurement of the project in more detail, and specific meetings to review biodiversity, M&E, occupancy, security and fire design.
After a building has been handed over we continue working with occupiers for 1 to 2 years to help them get the most out of their buildings, helping building facility managers to operate larger buildings, or helping residents to manage their own properties.